Big Brother Is Coming To Canada and I Can’t Wait!

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You may not know this about me but I am a Reality TV junkie. I know, I know, it’s nothing but senseless drivel that further dumbs down our society and takes away from the actual film and television makers who slave over their product. Still, I like it.

I’m not saying I watch all of them, although this new Here Comes Honey Boo Boo show looks great….(Not Really Though). Of all the Reality shows out there, only one of them has kept my attention for longer than 2-3 seasons. That show is Big Brother!

I remember about 4 years ago, I had sent an email to ask if Canadians were allowed to apply for Big Brother and got a big fat NO! I knew the answer before writing but I’ve never been one to follow traditional “rules”. Enter last months news about the upcoming production of Big Brother Canada and I couldn’t be more excited!

I’ve seen every season so far and although I’m not as impressed with the new trend of mixing in old players with new players, I do still enjoy the show and am excited at the prospect of a fresh start here in Canada.

I was reading some of the details over at Big Brother Access and the more I read, the more excited I get. It seems like casting was going to begin in July but has been pushed back to August and will most likely run until sometime in January 2013.

Either way, I’m keeping a close eye on the details so I can get myself ready to enter the BB house! Oh yeah, I’ve already decided that I am going to be on the show…Do you hear that producers?! Yeah, I’m talking to you John Brunton!

The only downside was when I suddenly came to the realization, while watching Big Brother 14 the other night, that I am no longer one of the young, buff house guests. That’s right, I’m pretty sure as a 33 year old, slightly out of shape male, that I would be considered one of the “Old Guys” on the show…No matter, I’m still in!

Now that we’ve got that out of the way and decided that I am in fact already going to be on the show, the application video seems like somewhat of a formality. It’s still necessary though so I’ll put the question out to all of you to help me decide what to do.

What should I do in my Audition Video to get noticed for Big Brother Canada?

I appreciate all your help and hope that I don’t get kicked off first!!

You can read more about Big Brother Canada on their host site, Slice. You can also follow along with updates from their Twitter and Facebook accounts as well.

UPDATE! You can now apply for BB Canada by going to their Application Page and going through the motions! Good Luck!


15 replies
  1. Kevin LInkie
    Kevin LInkie says:

    WOOT WOOT WOOT!! I am another reality tv junkie and cannot wait till big brother Canada starts. Finally is all I can say.
    I don’t have any ideas for you my friend but I will sure as hell root you on!!

  2. mamawee (ashley picco)
    mamawee (ashley picco) says:

    good luck – no idea for audition ideas as I have never seen the show….but if you make it I will be sure to watch

  3. Kelly @ City Mom
    Kelly @ City Mom says:

    Be yourself! I have no doubt that will get you in! I’m hoping to put my newfound hosting skills to use to be the Canadian Julie Chen so I’ll see you on the set! Good luck!

  4. Brandi
    Brandi says:

    haha that’s awesome! I say definitely GO FOR IT and let loose in the audition tape, let it all hang out!….ok, not literally letting it “all hang out”, but you catch my drift! Go crazy, wild, or just creepy quiet or geeky. That seems to get attention right? hehe. If you make an audition tape…be sure to post it for us to see! 😀

  5. Deanna T.
    Deanna T. says:

    Would love to see it happen, though I have to admit the first idea to pop into my head was … what about your kiddos?

  6. Christine (@chancesmommy)
    Christine (@chancesmommy) says:

    Tee hee! Love it! Would be so cool if it happened! I’m sure Jann Arden will give you a good recommendation 😉 I loved reading your Jann Arden tweets, btw!

  7. Maureen @ Orgasmic Chef
    Maureen @ Orgasmic Chef says:

    With your personality I don’t think you have to be or do anything differently from how you are every day. 🙂

    I’d watch you!

  8. Journeysof TheZoo
    Journeysof TheZoo says:

    Mmm, I’m going to need to think about that. No matter what, it has to be all YOU!
    Second of all, 33 is not old, not even kind of.
    Thirdly, I don’t have tv (but know of the show).
    Four, I too have some tv vices but am not willing to share them here (Hello Joey Potter).
    No matter what you do, we are here rooting for you. I might just have to get cable…

    Besos, Sarah
    Zookeeper at Journeys of The Zoo

  9. Nolie
    Nolie says:

    I think it is awesome that they are finally having a Canadian version. For years I said I wanted to go on Big Brother but now I have decided against it.

  10. Sandra
    Sandra says:

    Be warned, I also feel certain to be on the Big Brother Canada. I’m 43 years old, so you won’t be the old guy. I think it would be strategically in our best interest to form an alliance right now! 🙂 I’m currently training by watching all of the Big Brother seasons this summer…it’s grueling, and I’m exhausted after 12 hours of “Boogie” and Dr. Will, but it’s necessary!

  11. Patty
    Patty says:

    You must audition as Mario! lol seriously, just be yourself, your so funny and a great guy, they would be lucky to have you. 🙂


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