Dad Blogs Exposed! – The Captain’s Log








Welcome back to another week of Dad Blogs Exposed! This week I’d like to introduce you to Creed Anthony from the blog The Captain’s Log…Tales From The Poop Deck.

I first met Creed shortly after I joined the crew of Dads over at The Life of Dad website. Simply known as The Captain, it took me about 3 months to realize that he had an actual name.

In that time, I had the opportunity to interact with him quite a bit and quickly became a fan of his work and more importantly, his attitude. Creed is one of these guys that can put a positive spin on anything, which is both rare and inspiring.

It’s evident from his posts both on Life of Dad and his own site, that he is a dedicated father who wants the best for his kids. Check out him and his daughter working out together and also his story about his son’s terrifying trip to the hospital and you’ll see what I mean.

The work he does with the Life of Dad website is incredible as well. When I agreed to run the Twitter account for them, I had no idea how much work it was going to turn out to be. I had trouble keeping up at times but it was watching Creed’s dedication to the site that got me back into a rhythm. I have to imagine that he has recruited more Dads for that site than any of the rest of us combined.

I can’t imagine how much money he would have if you got a commission for everyone you referred! Now that I mention it, I wonder if there is a commission for that?! If there is, someone’s (Ahem, Tommy Riles) got some explaining to do! Sorry about that, back to The Captain!

Bottom line is that Creed is a genuinely good dude (a theme with these posts) and he is worth checking out. His sense of humour shines through in his posts and he is always quick to thank you for stopping by. I encourage you all to pay him a visit, either on his own site The Captain’s Log, or his Life of Dad page!

You can also find him on his Facebook page and also on Twitter @acjlist. As with most of us bloggers, Twitter is usually the place to be if you want to find any of us and The Captain is no different.

Before I leave you, I have a couple more items. Creed taped an episode of the Life of Dad Show Podcast and you can check that out Right Here! Also, if you’re looking for some Captain dirt, Life of Dad has recently welcomed a 2nd Captain to the fold and the fireworks are just beginning! Is there room for two Captain’s on one ship?? Stay Tuned to find out!

That’s it for this week’s edition of Dad Blogs Exposed! Please feel free to leave The Captain some love in the comments section and we’ll see you next week!


9 replies
  1. seattledad
    seattledad says:

    I need to get back over to LOD and do some interacting. Probably would enjoy getting to know some of the other Dad Bloggers a bit better. The Captain sounds like a righteous dude.

    • Chris
      Chris says:

      It’s a really cool community of Dads over there. I’d encourage you to at least try it out for a bit to see if you like it. They are also looking for blog contributors too, so feel free to email Tommy to get set up!

    • Chris
      Chris says:

      Love The Captain. I was happy to get his blog out there a little bit more. It can be hard to get any traction in this Dad Blogging game so hopefully it helped a bit.

  2. The Beer Guy
    The Beer Guy says:

    The Captain is great! As with you, Chris, I love reading his blogs. He refers to his youngest as the “Diaper Dweller” and his mother-in-law as “Betty Crocker.” Hilarious!

    Now he would make you believe that the picture above is of him racing a cheetah, but really he found a bottle of his favorite craft beer (sorry, Canadian Dad fans…it’s not Steam Whistle). The Captain knows his craft beer!

    Great read, Chris.

    The Beer Guy

  3. Dan Lazarz
    Dan Lazarz says:

    Thanks for highlighting The Captain, Chris. Life of Dad wouldn’t be what it is without his dedication, recruitment of others to the site and genuinely great attitude…much like a Canadian Dad blogger I know. No wonder you guys get along so well.


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  1. Canadian Dad Presents: Dad Blogs Exposed! | Life of Dad says:

    […] supporters and I was happy to be able to write a little bit about his site. You can check it out Right Here! Feel free to say hi in the comments as I’m sure he’ll be checking in from time to […]

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