Air Miles AMEX Post

Four Easy Ways To Earn More AIR MILES

Anyone who has seen my wallet knows that I am a points card junkie. I have points cards for places that I have only visited once or twice, mostly because if they offer it, I’ll take it. Without a doubt, the most useful of all my cards is my AIR MILES Collector Card. I swipe my AIR MILES card so much that I have actually had to have it replaced a couple times due to overuse.

As an AIR MILES Gold Collector (yeah, I said it!), I felt it was my duty to throw some tips your way to help you maximize the amount of miles you can collect. Below you will find my top 5 tips for AIR MILES Collectors.

1. Find Bonuses at Participating Sponsor Stores

It would be easy for me to tell you just to find the places that offer AIR MILES and use them but there is so much more you can do. At any given time you can find great bonus offers at Sponsor stores. The photo above is from a Toys “R” Us flyer and offers great AIR MILES value on a product that a lot of people are stocking up on for Christmas. You can visit resources such as Smart Canucks and Red Flag Deals to find all the flyers from participating AIR MILES Sponsors.

This simple tactic can easily triple the amount of miles you earn in a year. It also helps to research which stores offer AIR MILES to see if they are a fit for you. I now frequent places such as Rexall, Shell, Toys “R” Us and Staples instead of their competitors because they all offer AIR MILES rewards. AIR MILES have become such a staple in my life that they have even influenced what hotels I stay at when we go on trips. I also just found out that you can even earn AIR MILES when buying a house!

2. Shop Online With

Online shopping is growing at an unbelievable rate, with a lot of people preferring the comfort of their own home over heading out to the busy stores. With, you have access to hundreds of online stores right at your fingertips and there are hundreds of bonus offers at any given time. They have everything from the Disney Store and Apple to clothing companies such as Sears, Under Armour, Old Navy and Victoria’s Secret. There is something for everybody.

3. Collect on Everyday Purchases With the American Express AIR MILES Credit Card

This has been the single most effective way that I have found to collect AIR MILES. When you use a card like the American Express AIR MILES Credit Card you not only earn AIR MILES when you shop at non-Sponsor stores but you can also double up the miles by using both the AIR MILES Collector Card and the Credit Card when shopping at Sponsors. Just think of all the places you could earn twice the miles at by combining the power of your American Express and AIR MILES Cards! If you are tired of only earning half of the rewards you could be earning, head over to American Express to find out more about their suite of AIR MILES Credit Cards.

4. Bonus AIR MILES Coupons

This is something I have only recently started taking advantage of and it has produced immediate dividends for me. If you head to the AIR MILES website and visit their Earn Miles: Offers and Promotions section, you will find a large selection of online coupons that you can redeem on in-store purchases. As I write this there are offers from Staples, LCBO, Rexall and Shell that I have redeemed for bonus miles. If you are going to be shopping at these stores anyway, why would you not want to pop in to see if there are any deals for you? Also, if you sign up for the AIR MILES Newsletter, you will receive all of these deals right to your inbox.

I’ve shared my tips, now it’s your turn. What are your tricks for earning more AIR MILES?

This post was sponsored by Amex Bank of Canada. The views and opinions expressed in this blog, however, are purely my own.

4 replies
  1. Alison
    Alison says:

    When at the the LCBO I shop for wine that offers bonus air miles. I get to try a variety of wines and earn air miles at the same time.


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  1. […] getting my money’s worth for my purchases and by using my Collector Card with something like the American Express AIR MILES Credit Card, I was able to accumulate over 9,800 AIR MILES last […]

  2. […] week I showed you Four Easy Ways to Earn More AIR MILES, with the fastest way being the combining of your AIR MILES Collector Card with your American […]

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