I Admit It! I Don’t Know How To Do Taxes
As I’m sure you can attest, nobody likes to admit their weaknesses. Don’t get me wrong, we all have them. There’s something about saying them out loud, however, that is unsettling to me. Today’s admission comes at the hands of a yearly event that I dread, tax season!
I know a lot of people who do their own taxes and have no issues whatsoever. I, however, am NOT one of those people. As soon as I get the forms and log in to figure it out, my brain decides that it’s time for a nap and completely abandons me.
Truth be told, I have actually muddled through it a few times and no matter how right I think I am, we would always end up getting an adjustment letter, letting me know how wrong I was. It always felt like the teacher bringing back your test with a big “F” on it and a “Come see me” note. Embarrassing…
With the implementation of the Family Tax Cut this year, I am not going to be taking any chances. Families with children under the age of 18 will be able to claim a non-refundable tax credit equal to the amount of tax savings that would be realized by transferring up to $50,000 worth of income from the higher-earning to the lower-earning spouse or common-law partner.
With my wife being a stay at home mom, the family tax cut is geared specifically for families like mine and there is no way I am touching this one. Thankfully, the fine folks at H&R Block are completely up to speed on the new rules and promised me that they are going to take care of me and my family so I don’t mess it up. Again. For the price they are charging to do basic returns, I honestly don’t know why anyone would waste their time trying to figure it out on their own.
I’ll tell you what, because I like you all, I am going to give away a gift certificate good for one regular return (T4) that can be used at a retail H&R Block location. Sound good? Just fill out the form below and have a great day!!!
Disclosure: I was compensated for my participation in this campaign, however I really am terrible at doing my own taxes…
I hire someone to do them at H&R Block
I have always done not only my own, but all the taxes for everyone in my family. I used to do them manually, but with today’s software, it’s so easy, and you can tell at a glance if anything has changed from previous years. That help you realize if you have perhaps left something out, or made a mistake somewhere. Don’t be embarrassed to do your own taxes. As you say, the government is going to recalculate everything anyway, so if you made a mistake they will inform you, without penalty or malice. Think of it as a game, and enjoy the process.
It really depends on how complicated my year has been. I try and do them myself but sometimes I need to hire someone to help.
I struggle through them on my own…
I run a dayhome and it’s just too complicated to do it on my own so I go to H&R Block.
I could never do it, I would do something wrong or forget something and get wrong, so I just go to H&R and have them do it
I used to do them but now I hire someone
Ive always have done my own.
about 7 years ago i tried to do my own but struggled. so normally hire.
H&R Block does my taxes.
I usually do my own!
I have used the same accountant for about 15 years, my partner does it on his own but this year as we are claiming together we will go through my accountant.
I hire someone
I usually do our taxes but I am seriously considering getting someone to do them this year.
I do my own but would love someone to do it for me!
I usually do my own
I do mine & my hubbys myself but every couple years we pay H&R Block to do one & check the previous years to make sure I didn’t mess anything up! lol
I usually do my own.
My accountant does my taxes and I am happy that he does. However, I did my own taxes for years and I think it was a really important lesson in understanding my taxes, understanding deductions, and so on. I can now have intelligent conversations with my accountant about tax issues and also point out options or possible errors because I understand what I’m looking at.
I hope that someday I can get to that point. Especially with the blogging and social media stuff added on now, I am completely lost.
My husband buys tax software and does them himself. I have never done my own taxes.
we normally use H&R Block
Quite honestly – creature of habit – having been doing my taxes forever. Last two years – botched them as well. With new legislation and family perks & benefit cuts….time to hire a professional – people who are in the KNOW. For 2014 – let the professionals handle it. Busy Mom – work/school & committments – have energies concentrated elsewhere.
Eva Mitton-Urban
i normally do my own
My Dad has always done my taxes – this is the first year I intend to do them myself!
Hire someone and wish can do it myself due to the cost.
we normally go to h&r block
We always use H&R Block 🙂
My mom is a tax wizard and she helps me with the nightmare of being self-employed and filing them myself every year. My hubby on the other hand, could use this certificate…
I have some one do it for me
I hire a a professional!
I usually do my own. Oddly, I enjoy doing taxes and will even volunteer to do them for family members.
i hire someone
i need help
Do them myself.
I get someone to d o mine!
I usually do my own but I am always worried I am missing some tax break I could be getting that I dont know about
No we get our taxes done by someone else
I do my own taxes as they are fairly straight forward.
I normally do them myself, but I had doing them.
Do my own
I do mine and my husbands
I use H&R Block!
H&R Block… Every Year! The very thought of even attempting my own tax return panics me! Haha.
i usually hire someone else to do the taxes.
I’ve always done my own taxes – I’d love to have someone do it for me this year!
Do mine own because it’s cheaper
we do our own
I do my own taxes.
I’ve been doing my own and it has not been going well.
I usually do my own, but it seems to get harder and harder.
i always use h&r block!
I do my own taxes.
I have someone do them. I’ve tried & I just can’t figure them out!
I always get someone to do mine. Too complicated with my hubby and I.
I usually have someone do them for me.
I love H&R Block because I get a cheque for my return right then and there. It’s super convenient and I wouldn’t have it any other way, especially with the new family tax break. Life is complicated enough. I simplify whenever possible.
I’ve done our taxes myself using Turbo Tax for the last few years without any issues but this tax year we welcomed a son into our home so I need the help of a professional. I’m on maternity leave, with a new baby, and trying to understand The Family Tax Cut. I won’t be risking an audit or adjustment this year! My Husband and I have used H&R Block many times in previous years. They’re centrally located, reasonably priced and get the job done right! As always, thanks for a great/funny review and giveaway!
I always go to H&R Block. I’ve went to them for years. I love that they can give me my refund instantly and they guarantee their work.
I do my own
I usually do them on my own. Software now-a-days are great for that.
I do my own, last year, I did have someone do it for me to make sure I was doing it right
Hire someone to do them for me because I don’t understand much of it!
I normally do our own taxes.
Do them myself
I do them myself.
we sometimes get them done by a pro but i think we should all the time to avoid mistakes
I do them myself.
We do our taxes at H&R block 🙂
I used to get them done when I wanted my massive refund in cash back right away , but I do them mostly myself. I know how and even before I went to the pro I would do them to make sure I was getting the right amount lol
I them myself
I always hire someone to do my taxes…I am not an expert in this area!!
I have always done my own by hand, but that’s because I didn’t work for a long time being a stay-at-home mom, so there were just a whole lotta zero’s on my tax form so it was easy! (haha) Now that I work it is becoming more difficult to do
by myself so I would appreciate the help of H&R Block.
My hubby usually does them.Thank you for this oportunity to win. 🙂