
Workplace Health Month

Do You Celebrate Healthy Workplace Month? Here’s Why You Should!

This post is sponsored by Bayer. To make sure these products are right for you, always read and follow the label.

A lot of you may not have known this but on top of being the month where we get to dress up as our favourite childhood cartoon characters, October is also Healthy Workplace Month! You do want to contribute to a healthy work environment, right? We’re not monsters! Healthy Workplace Month in Canada is about making an effort to create a healthy work environment and I wanted to share some ideas to get you started! I am also giving away a sweet Cold & Flu Essentials kit from Bayer!

The Rule of 20’s

For many of us, a day at work means long hours in front of a computer. According to the Ontario Association of Optometrists, excessive screen time can lead to blurred vision,headaches, tearing or dry and irritated eyes. If you’re feeling the strain, try the 20-20-20 rule: Every 20 minutes, take a 20 second break from your screen and focus on something at least 20 feet away from you. To treat the symptoms of dry eye, keep eye drops handy. hydraSense® introduced three new products for dry eyes this year that are worth a second look. The eye drops are preservative free and give you long-lasting relief that’s also gentle on the eyes.

No Play For Mr. Grey

The colours and images around us can affect how we think and feel. Try adding some colour or some family photos to your workspace to spruce up your mood and get away from that grey, dreary feeling that can often take over. Dressing up your surroundings can help your mind gear up for work, de-stress or bring joy to your day.

Move Your Butt!

Breaking up your routine is a great way to clear your head and relieve stress. You may be stuck at work for 8 hours, but you don’t have to take it sitting down! Get up during the day to bounce ideas off of a coworker, take a walking meeting with your team or even get up and do a little dance if you’re feeling brave. If you work from home, a change of scenery may give you new perspective on a tough project. Try hitting a coffee shop or even renting a shared workspace for a few days a week.

C’mon, Get Comfy!

Do you spend a lot of time in an office chair? A few simple tweaks to your workspace can help you cut down on back pain. Keep your spine straight by raising your monitor up to eye level and positioning your knees at a 90-degree angle. If you need fast relief to get back to work, ALEVE® lasts up to 12 hours with just one caplet or liquid gel capsule. It’s no fun trying to get work done when your back hurts, so keep some ALEVE® on hand.

Step Away From That Pizza Pocket!

Proper nutrition is an important part of staying alert and energized at work. If you’re finding it difficult to pack healthy food and snacks throughout the week, share the burden with a few close friends by starting a healthy lunch club. Take turns putting together the next day’s lunch for your group. It’s a great way to share your positive new habits with your coworkers.


As mentioned, I am giving away a Cold & Flu Essentials kit from Bayer and all you have to do to enter is fill out as many of the Rafflecopter entries you’d like and I’ll choose a winner in 2 weeks! Good luck and stay healthy!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

This post is sponsored by Bayer. To make sure these products are right for you, always read and follow the label.

Summer Canonball

Summer Is Here & It’s Time To Get Outside!

“This post is sponsored by Bayer. To make sure these products are right for you, always read and follow the label.”

In the age of electronics, we’ve been pretty lucky when it comes to making sure our kids get enough outdoor time. Both kids ended up loving sports, which keeps them outside from morning until night and makes this dad a happy camper. I figure if the only downside to this is that they sometimes don’t want to come inside, that’s a trade-off I’ll take.

While we aren’t much of a classic outdoors family, with the camping and hiking and whatnot, we love spending time outside together. With that said, here are a few of our favourite summertime activities!

1. Baseball

Baseball Kid

I can’t tell you how happy I was when my son decided he wanted to try baseball as one of his activities. I played competitive fastball my entire youth and while I purposefully didn’t push my son into it, I’m excited that he discovered a love for it on his own. That means I get to coach, which also means I’m using muscles I hadn’t used in a looooong time. Luckily for me, I have discovered ALEVE® Back & Body Pain, because I’m not sure how else I’d be able to get through running up and down the baselines for 5 tournament games in one weekend!

2. Soccer

Girls soccer

While my son chose a sport I was familiar with, my daughter has gone in the opposite direction. As if 16 hours of gymnastics a week wasn’t enough, she also decided to excel at soccer. I will admit that when I was a kid the baseball kids were trained to dislike soccer, I really love watching her fly up and down the field like a bolt of lightning. It’s also kind of nice to not know anything about a sport because I can pay more attention to my daughter and worry less about the rules.

3. Glamping

KOA Family Cabin Camping

I mentioned earlier that we are not a campaign family, but that doesn’t mean we don’t hit a campground for the weekend on occasion. In our case, however, we choose to book a cabin at nearby KOAs so it feels like we are camping without the uncomfortable feeling of a deflated mattress at 2am! The only real downside to this is that my wife is an allergy sufferer and occasionally needs to pop one of her Claritin® Allergy tablets to get through the day’s events, but then we are back on track!

4. Water Fights

KOA Ivy Lea Wet Wagon Ride

Whether it’s just us with water balloons or the entire neighbourhood with water guns, I don’t know anyone who doesn’t love a good water fight! That is, as long as the people getting soaked know that they are in said water battle…

5. Trampolining

Trampoline Kid

We are officially a trampoline family now and I have never seen the kids want to be outside more in their lives. Seriously, they wake up and before I can remind them to brush their teeth they are outside jumping in their PJs. Even on the hottest days of summer so far they are out there, jumping and melting in the hot sun. You can imagine how eager they are to stop jumping to come and get their sunscreen on… Luckily we found the Coppertone® Sport Sunscreen Continuous Spray SPF 30 which not only gets them back on the trampoline in minutes but also handles the sweat with ease and holds its SPF for at least 80 minutes of activity.

There’s so much more we love to do in the summer but this covers the major items on our yearly checklist! How about you? I’d love to hear what your favourite summer activities are, so feel free to go ahead and leave them in the comment section!

Get Outside Bayer

“This post is sponsored by Bayer. To make sure these products are right for you, always read and follow the label.”