
Canadian Dad Podcast - Chris Routly

Canadian Dad Podcast – Ep. 6 – Children’s Author & Writer, Chris Routly

This week on the show, I spoke to stay at home dad, blogger at and the author of the new children’s book,Sometimes You Need a Jellyfish“, Chris Routly!

We discussed his journey from a career in graphic design to life as a stay at home dad, blogger and author. Chris also talks about his work with the National At-Home Dad Network and the new Portland Dads Group that he is co-running. 

Chris is a great dad and great writer, PLUS he knows the exact date that Marty McFly goes into the future and we talk a bit about how the internet is always getting the date wrong!

Finally, I am happy to introduce the first ever sponsor for the podcast! If you would like to take advantage of a one month free trial at Reading Eggs, you can go to and sign up! I have been using this service for about a year and my kids love it. 

Books For Parents: Men Get Pregnant, Too by Kenny Bodanis

It occurred to me while I was reading “Men Get Pregnant, Too”, by Kenny Bodanis, that there aren’t a lot of books out there for dads. I noticed this as I nodded my head along with the stories Kenny tells in the book and found myself wishing that there had been something out there like this prior to my having children. Kenny Bodanis is an award winning, Canadian blogger and radio & television parenting columnist, who lives with his wife and two children in Montreal.

My favourite thing about “Men Get Pregnant, Too”, which shares the same name as Bodanis’ blog, is that he doesn’t hold back in the stories he tells. Another thing I enjoyed was how he added pet peeves and tips for men who are about to enter into fatherhood, such as

“Plug in. Have answers. Be interested. Not for everyone else but as a reminder to your spouse that her husband is excited to be a dad.”

Reading this, I wished I had a time machine so I could go back and do it better.

Kenny also talks at length about the different emotions and stresses that fathers face and tries to help encourage dad to own those emotions. This is also something that I failed miserably at with my first child and didn’t figure out until I started writing about my experiences as a father. It’s important that dad doesn’t completely take a back seat during the pregnancy and Bodanis does a great job of explaining why that is so important.

With Father’s Day right around the corner, I can’t think of a better gift for dad than this book. It really covers almost everything you are going to come up against and does so in a light-hearted and very relatable voice. Men Get Pregnant, Too is available in both paperback and kindle versions on Amazon. You can also check out Kenny Bodanis on his Twitter and Facebook pages.