
And Now An Inspirational Message From The Kid President {#AwesomeYear}

Kid Pres

When I saw Scott Stratten from UnMarketing post this video on his Facebook page with the headline, “Simply put, this is the greatest video in the world”, I was simply going to watch it once and move on. After watching the video three times in a row, I realized two things. 1 – Scott Stratten is no liar; and 2 – It was so great that I needed to share it here with all of you.

This video comes from the people at Soul Pancake and features a message from their Kid President, who may be the cutest Kid President you will ever see. His message is funny but real and for a kid, his timing is perfect. Check out his awesome Pep Talk below and I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.

Now get off your couch, get out in the world and start doing something awesome! You are the only one stopping yourself from it. Why are you even still reading this??? GO!!