
An Introduction To Dad-chelor Parties

What exactly is a Dad-chelor Party? Well, essentially it’s the male equivalent of the Baby Shower. Except that it is nothing like a baby shower! Here’s a brief description:

Dad-chelor Party [dadch•uh•ler par•ty, dadch•ler par•ty]
1. A bachelor party for a dad to be.
2. A man’s baby shower.
3. One last pre-fatherhood bash.

Created by Life of Dad founder, Tom Riles, and featured on ABC’s “Nightline,” the Dad-chelor Party” celebrates the expectant Dad with one last pre-fatherhood bash. “It’s like a baby shower for Dads-to-be,” says Riles. “Everything is going to change so much after having a baby, this is something they really need – hanging out with friends, having a blast, going crazy – before their lives change forever.”

Dad-chelor Parties are growing in popularity and will be coming to a city near you very soon! For more information on the history and future of Dad-chelor Parties, please check out Life of Dad’s Press Release.

You can also head over to for video and tips on how to run your own successful Dad-chelor Party.
