Try The New Subway® Canada Panini On Me!
I mentioned a couple weeks ago that Subway® Canada had unveiled their newest creation, paninis! I took my job of taste-testing very seriously and have now tried each panini multiple times, sometimes fitting in multiple testings in a single day. Now that I have compiled my very scientific research, I am ready to tell you which panini is the one you absolutely must have.
Here we go. Are you ready? The one panini that stands above all others and the only one that is right for you is….well, the results were actually inconclusive. You see, after falling in love at first bite with the Italian B.M.T. Melt panini, I ate it 3 straight times, ignoring the other paninis. When I finally decided to change it up, I went for the Chipotle Steak & Cheese panini and fell in love with that one, too. I’m guessing you can look ahead to where this story is headed…

Cute picture of my kids for no good reason!
The best panini for you will depend on the kind of day you are having. Maybe you’re feeling extra sophisticated on a certain day and decide to go with the Chicken Cordon Bleu panini. Consequently, maybe you are addicted to cheese, in which case you’d probably want to go all in with the Triple Cheese panini. All this to say that there is no one-size fits all choice when it comes to the new Subway® Canada paninis because they are all great in their own way.
I understand that some of you may be skeptical because change can be difficult, so I’m giving away a $25 Subway® Canada gift card to one lucky winner, and I’ve also been handing out Subway® Canada gift cards to random folks who have been active on my Facebook and Twitter pages! To win the prize all you have to do is fill out the Rafflecopter form below and I’ll choose a winner in a few days!
Good luck and make sure you let me know what you thought of the all-new Subway® Canada panini experience!
Disclosure: I was compensated for my participation in this program.