Dad Springfree Trampoline Slam

Who Says Dads Can’t Have Fun On A Trampoline?

Ever since having children I’ve wondered when the age will hit that I don’t feel like behaving like a child anymore. When I see the kids at the splash pad or out on the baseball diamond I instinctively want to join in on the fun, ignoring the fact that I may have lost a few steps.

While we were discussing the addition of a new trampoline from Springfree Trampoline Canada, I was mostly thinking about how much fun the kids and their friends would have but there was also a little piece of me that was excited to have a trampoline of my very own to jump on as well. Now, when I say a little piece of me, what I really mean is that I did all this for myself and the fact that the kids are having fun with it is a cute side note.

The trampoline couldn’t have come at a better time as I have really been lacking in the physical activity department lately and I’m pretty sure I have jumped on it every day since it arrived at our house. There’s just something about feeling like your flying that I can’t get enough of. Luckily for me, I have a beautiful young daughter who has been there to motivate me by reminding me daily to be careful because I am dangerously close to the suggested weight limit for the trampoline and she doesn’t want me to break it… Thanks, honey.

So, to all the dads out there who think the fun has to end just because we are getting older, I say get those shoes off and start jumping! In fact, hit the splash pad, shoot some hoops and play some tag with the kids, too. There’s no law that says we have to grow up at a certain speed. Have fun with your kids while your bones still allow it!

If you do happen to be in the market for the greatest trampoline on the planet, I’m also excited to announce that as a special offer just for you guys, if you order a trampoline from the Springfree Trampoline Canada website, you can use code SpringInto150YYZ4 to get a tgoma game system (RV $399.00) absolutely free! tgoma is an interactive Smart Play attachment for your Springfree trampoline that allows you to use jumping power to play different games, both educational and fun!

Disclosure: I was provided a Springfree Trampoline in exchange for my participation in this program.

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