
I am not a runner. Heck, I can’t tell you the number of times that I have committed to going back to the gym, only to have it fall apart after a half-assed effort. That said, I am lacing up some running shoes to take part in the #DadsRun4Boston initiative.

A year ago today, terrorists killed three people in the Boston Marathon bombing. Among those killed was an 8-year-old boy named, Martin Richard. After a couple of days of Boston being under siege, the terrorists then killed an MIT police officer, and proceeded to turn the streets of Watertown into a war zone. People were ordered inside their houses and entire towns were shut down as law enforcement worked diligently to find the man responsible, which they eventually did.

The bombing left hundreds of others battered and scarred, both physically and emotionally. In the days leading up to this year’s marathon, the dads are coming together to show our support by going for a run and sharing a picture on social media, using the hashtag #DadsRun4Boston. You don’t have to run far, but we are encouraging you to get outside and show your support in memory of all of those affected by the tragic events of last year. Then, snap a pic, pop it on your favourite social media channel and use the #DadsRun4Boston to show your support.

Or, if you’re physically unable to run, consider donating to The One Fund (the official organization helping bombing victims). But use the #DadsRun4Boston hashtag when you do. Special thanks to Charlie Capen and Aaron Gouveia for their efforts in putting this together.

Thanks and we can’t wait to see all your pictures!

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