
I Love Daddy

Love Daddy

It’s not what I expected to see when I got home from work today. Normally I come in the house and the kids come running to the door screaming, “Daddy!!!” as they smother me with hugs. I love that about coming home from work. In fact, it’s my favourite part of any given week. Today was a little different for a number of reasons though.

Today, before any running hugs could occur, my 4 year old son excitedly instructed my wife to get the picture for Daddy. I’d seen this one play out before and it usually meant that he had coloured a picture for me and couldn’t wait for me to see it. I love his colourings by the way and I am always appreciative to receive them. Today’s was a different picture though and one that struck a new nerve that I hadn’t used before.

The picture shown above is his very first time writing the word “love” without asking for help. When he showed it to me, he said, “I made this for you Daddy, because I love you so much”. I managed to maintain my composure in front of him but inside I was a raging ball of mushy goop. Not just because of the sentiment but also because of how great he did in spelling out the words. I’m so proud of my little man and his determination in wanting to learn how to spell. I’m a very lucky Daddy.

Gangnam Style Has Taken Over My Toddlers

Gangnam Style

I have never been annoyed by the Gangnam Style song, even though it has been on YouTube for about 7 months and has been redone and parodied thousands of times over. This is probably a good thing considering the fact that my children have recently developed an unhealthy obsession with singing and performing all of the dance moves.

It’s a weird phenomenon to see their reaction when the song starts playing. It doesn’t matter what they happen to be doing at that exact moment, they stop and immediately start dancing. Oddly enough, the same thing happens to me…

Anyway, my son beat me at Candy Land last night and instead of the customary “Good Game” handshake we have taught him, he burst into his Gangnam Style routine, which made me forgive his poor sportsmanship. I figured I wouldn’t be doing my duty as a parent if I had not taped a little bit of his Gangnam rendition, you know, for later wedding use. Enjoy!


Lucas Sings Episode 2: “Don’t Let Me Down, Helicopter”

Every week, I will be posting a video of my son singing an original song. Please note that I am not forcing him to sing for his meals, like the parents on Toddlers & Tiaras. He begs for me to shoot videos of him singing his new original material Watch out Ellen, I have your new singing superstar right here!

In the second installment of Lucas Sings, my son takes us through the emotional journey of a Helicopter whos seems to have lost its way. It’s a moving piece with many ups and downs that will have you laughing, crying and wanting more.

And he accomplishes all this in only 16 seconds. Amazing!

Enjoy his newest masterpiece, which I’ve entitled “Don’t Let Me Down, Helicopter”


Lucas Sings Episode 1 – My Toddler Composes Original Music

Recently, my 4 year old son has been infatuated with watching himself on video. In order to make sure that he gets ample time in front of the camera, he’s been composing original songs and notifying me whenever he has a new piece ready (every 8 minutes).

In an attempt to create a bank of embarrassing material for future use, I’ve decided to being sharing these shongs with you in a new segment I like to call “Lucas Sings”.

Every week, I’ll post a new video of him performing his original material. Sometimes it may sound similar or even like a blatant rip off of another song, but I assure you he’s tweaked all of them and made them his own.

Oh, and don’t worry about this segment running out of material as I already have a year’s worth of songs ready…

I have not copyrighted any of these so please know that if you steal any of them, you are stealing from a young child and most likely killing an angel in the process.

And now, with further Dudes, Here he is!

You’ll note that when he says “Bad Birds” at the start, he’s referring to Angry Birds. Also, his signature sign off seems to be “I wanna see my video”. He’s definitely NOT an attention seeker like his Dad….


Not Even Spider-Man Can Stop My Kid

I’m not even sure where to start this one because it’s a bit emotional and funny all in one event.

My son’s birthday party is going to be in a couple of weeks. I can remember last year, we threw him an Ernie birthday party and he loved it. I asked him what kind of party he wanted this year and he immediately answered “MarioKart!” with joy.

What?!?! How do you go from Ernie to MarioKart in less than a year?

On one hand it’s cool because I get to goof around with a bunch of video game stuff. On the other, I want my little boy back!!!

That brings me to our most recent event.

My son was just invited to his first “drop off your kid and leave” birthday party. He is 3 years old but soon to be 4.

You can forget about the fact that the party was just across the street at a neighbor’s house because it could have been on the moon for all I cared. The point is that my little man is growing up, and quickly!

The neighbor’s kid was turning 5 and was having a Spider-Man themed party, with a special visit from Spider-Man himself (very popular right now, the character shows up and runs games and stuff).

My son does NOT like people in costumes, so upon hearing this, I feared the worst.

Sure enough, I got a phone call from the neighbor about 30 minutes in, asking if I could come over and comfort my son, who was freaked out by Spider-Man. After some calming words to my delirious concerned wife, I ran over to hang out.

I tried to explain to my son that it was just a guy in a costume and that he had nothing to be scared of. Obviously that didn’t work, so we came to the agreement that if I went home and got his Spider-Man costume, he would stay at the party and take part in the games.

Excited to feel needed again, I raced across the street, Spidey suit in hand. Daddy saves the day!!

It took a few minutes for him to rejoin the party and he clung to me for another 10 like a shirt that had gone through the dryer without a Bounce sheet (you know what I mean, shut it).

Eventually I felt comfortable enough to leave him but figured he wouldn’t take part in anything until Spidey was gone.

Well don’t you know it, sometimes when left to fend for themselves, kids rise above the odds and make you the proudest parents in the world.

Here’s the photo I got from the neighbors, 15 minutes after I had left.

Very proud Dad upon seeing this picture. Almost as if I had said or done something to ease his mind about being at the party. Now if he would please stop growing for a couple years, I would very much appreciate it!!

Is there a moment you realized that you were losing your toddler to boy/girlhood? Share it with me in the comments so I can feel better about losing mine 🙂
