Lucas Sings Episode 2: “Don’t Let Me Down, Helicopter”
Every week, I will be posting a video of my son singing an original song. Please note that I am not forcing him to sing for his meals, like the parents on Toddlers & Tiaras. He begs for me to shoot videos of him singing his new original material Watch out Ellen, I have your new singing superstar right here!
In the second installment of Lucas Sings, my son takes us through the emotional journey of a Helicopter whos seems to have lost its way. It’s a moving piece with many ups and downs that will have you laughing, crying and wanting more.
And he accomplishes all this in only 16 seconds. Amazing!
Enjoy his newest masterpiece, which I’ve entitled “Don’t Let Me Down, Helicopter”
How cute is he?! A little rock star in the making. My daughter LOVES being on camera, my son hides from it, but he loves to watch himself. Amazing how each child is different. LOVE your Toddlers in Tiaras comment 😉 I can’t stand that show.
Thanks! I wish I could stop watching T&T but I can’t!!
Yup. Superstar in the making. 🙂 Or maybe just a songwriter.
He’s so sweet. hehe. 🙂
Songwriter would work. Less spotlight isn’t a bad thing.
Brilliant! WAs the first lyric “Fire Dog,” followed by “Hell-ee-Helicopter?” I hope so…thats how I would have sang it!
It was FireDog. I’m not sure what it is but I’m sure he’ll tell me someday….
LOL! I LOVE it! What a cutie! Oh, your posts crack me up! “I am not forcing him to sing for his meals, like the parents on Toddlers & Tiaras.”
My 3 year old LOVES to sing…but when I whip out the video camera, she gets self-conscious and gives me “the look”!
Great post, as always!
Mine gets mad if he’s doing something and I’m not taping him, lol. Thanks!
That was so cute and so is he! Ellen here he comes!! 🙂
I’ve got a call in to her people, lol!
LOL this is way too cute!
When I saw the title I thought of “Don’t Cry For Me, Argentina” …however, your son’s tune is a complete original! He has never heard of that one…
Haha, he loves his Evita soundtrack but this one is all his!
You are totally making wedding videos here – his wife is going to fall in love with it!
The wedding material will be endless!!! Poor Guy!
oh my word! he is sooooo adorable! 🙂
Oh my goodness! How cute is he?! Look out Sophia Grace and Rosie… Lucas is the next superstar!
OMG he’s so cute!!! That silly helicopter! And LOL at Toddlers and Tiaras! You always crack me up!!!
Thanks Nancy! He loves his helicopters!