What Do I Stand For?

Holding Hands

While discussing my new obsession with the band, “Fun” the other night, Candace Alper from Name Your Tune CD’s asked the following: “Can you answer the question, ‘What do I stand for?’” This was in reference to Fun’s song, Some Nights, where they continually ask this question. We both agreed that while we didn’t have an answer to the question, that it was definitely worth investigating.

So, here I am, still struggling to answer the question but willing to at least start the thought process here with you. I have decided to make a list of the things I stand for and will hopefully be adding future editions to the collection.

What Do I Stand For?

• I believe in being a gentleman. This includes but is not limited to, holding doors for people, being courteous, giving up my seat for women and elderly, treating others with respect.

• I try to make a difference in my community and beyond by giving back to those who are not as fortunate as I am. I have my problems too, we all do, but it’s not hard to set aside some time to help others and this is something I hope my children will carry with them.

Kindness always trumps hate.

• My family is my life. Everything else is secondary.

• I don’t have time for drama, nor will I participate in it.

• Pizza.

• Being a good father is more important to me than writing about being a good father. That being said, this blog has helped me become not only a better father, but a better human being as well.

• Smiling breeds happiness; Negativity breeds negativity. You choose.

• Failing at something doesn’t make you a failure. It just gives you the knowledge to get it right the next time.

• I make no apologies for who I am.

• I’ve made mistakes. Lots of them, actually, and while I have learned a lot from making these mistakes, they certainly do not define me.

• The word ‘retard‘ is not in my vocabulary. It was at one time but it is no longer.

• I do not tolerate bullying in any way, shape or form.

• I believe, perhaps gullibly, that I can make a difference in the world.

That’s all I wanted to share with you for now. It was a difficult exercise to not only think of these things but to also question whether they are things that I actively practice. The great part about making this list is that I am far more conscious of not only what I stand for, but also what steps I need to take in order to further back up the above statements. I highly recommend this exercise for all of you out there as well, whether you are a blogger or not, as it was very eye opening.

I leave you with the song that started the conversation and also with the question, “What do you stand for?”

32 replies
  1. Alex
    Alex says:

    I love this. What an important question to ask ourselves, and what wonderful answers you have.

    I stand for lots, and sometimes it changes. Today I stand for love, integrity, kindness and patience.

    • Chris Read
      Chris Read says:

      Those are all great things to stand for, Alex. I agree, too, that it is constantly changing and evolving. That’s why I wanted to leave the answer open ended with room for editing.

      Also, thank you for taking the time to stop by and comment. I really appreciate it.

  2. RogersSarah
    RogersSarah says:

    This is such a great idea, Chris. What’s most interesting is how hard it is to come up with what you stand for. Foolishly, I thought this would be something that would come immediately and easily. But it hasn’t. I see a weekend blog post in my future!

    • Chris Read
      Chris Read says:

      Thank you, Sarah. I thought it would be easy as well but it took for 4 days and an extra day of contemplating whether to publish it before I actually posted it, haha. I don’t know what my hesitation was but it was there. Maybe I didn’t want to come off as being self involved or something.

  3. Katja
    Katja says:

    It’s a great question to ask and think about. I stand for unconditional love, being kind, and expecting/giving greatness.

  4. JallieDaddy
    JallieDaddy says:

    Those are good things to stand for! I’d have to think about this one, but it’s something worth doing, thanks.

    “The unexamined life is not worth living”.

    Like the song, thanks for that too.

  5. Tracey
    Tracey says:

    I love that song, too. 🙂

    The first things that came to mind, for me, were my children. I take being a Mum very seriously and give my 100%.

    As an ECE, I also stand for quality care for all children.

    I stand for manners and kindness.

    I stand for honesty, loyalty and integrity.

    I also stand by my word. If I make a promise, I honour it.

    I stand by the belief that every day is an opportunity for growth-whether if it was a good day or a bad day. There’s a lesson there.

    I stand by being a good friend.

    Loved this post! Really made me think!

  6. Candace Alper
    Candace Alper says:

    Chris – I love this post and have come back to read it and yes, to leave you a note. Having read through your post and the comments that followed, I want you to know that I am still working on mine. It’s a big question, as we have already discussed. It’s even bigger to contemplate writing it down and then publishing. Brave and true to yourself. You stand for so much that is good. This is the kind of post that your kids will read one day and be reminded of your truth and what matters to you. Let’s keep this conversation going. WIll be interesting to see how it evolves. Thank you so much. (and with that, cue the *ding ding ding* ->you have a new comment on your blog 😉

  7. Annie @ PhD in Parenting
    Annie @ PhD in Parenting says:

    I stand for a lot of things, but most of them involve not accepting the status quo in my own life or in the world at large. I’m evolving, the world is evolving, I want to strive for better and ask for better each and every day. Being an active part of that change, instead of sulking about how much things suck, is also something I stand for.

  8. Melinda@LookWhatMomFound...andDadtoo
    [email protected] says:

    I just shared something similar on my facebook page this morning encouraging parents to raise their boys with respect and love and compassion for women. There have been some bad things in our news lately that initiated the post.

    I stand for equality for everyone

  9. MultiTestingMom
    MultiTestingMom says:

    I can appreciate the deep thought that went into this amazing post!

    I have just purchased “Some Nights” on iTunes as I absolutely love that song. Thank you for reminding me just how much! I might have also purchased “We Are Young” too 🙂

  10. Jason
    Jason says:

    Your list mirrors mine. Great list. My mother did it all on her own and instilled many of these things. The song is a great wrap up to the post.

    The Cheeky Daddy

  11. Hannah Alper
    Hannah Alper says:

    Hi Chris, it’s Hannah! I had such a fun time with you the other day!
    This is what I stand for…… for now.

    I stand for the environment and nature, mother nature relies on us to help it and fix it not break it.

    I stand for foundations like Free The Children, Save The Children and Envronmental Defence.

    I stand for kids that get sick by drinking dirty water, sick kids, homeless kids they have nothing like a life like ours.

    I stand up for victims of bullying, the power of a bully is so big.

    That is what I stand for.
    I think that what you stand for is awesome Chris.

  12. Sarah Robinson
    Sarah Robinson says:

    I stand for many things that at the end of the day stay true to myself. I have no regrets for anything I have done and learn from the experience. While I also believe in putting others first including my family & those in need, I’ve learned the importance of taking time for me so I can be there for others.



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  1. […] for the whole family. It was an awesome experience but also one that set me off on my year long journey of self discovery that I could have never imagined when I started this […]

  2. […] that name sounds familiar it is because I just wrote about her Mom, Candace, on this very site last week. Hannah has decided to start an Earth Hour pledge, called the […]

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