In a summer of many ups and downs, I managed to find quite a bit of joy in working on my very neglected yard. In partnership with Fertilizer Canada, I was able to do a lot of research into what makes a lawn healthy and I have seen some amazing results in a short time. I mean, there was really nowhere to go but up, right?? Here are some Before and After photos.

Fertilizer Canada 1
Fertilizer Canada Fix Lawn 1

While the improvements have been amazing, it hasn’t come without a few challenges. I seem to have replaced the dandelions with a different type of weed that has been making itself at home on most lawns in my neighbourhood. That said, it’s my first year doing this and I didn’t expect perfection right away. If these weeds think I’m going to leave them alone, they are sorely mistaken!

The next steps for me are going to be Fall aeration and a final feeding in the first or second week of October so the weeds have something to think about over the winter! Fun fact, I would have guessed that feeding your lawn in the Fall would be a bad idea but as it turns out, Fall can be one of the most important times to fertilize. This is because while the Summer heat can often beat down a lawn, the Fall’s cooler temperatures and morning dew offers amazing moisture to help absorb the fertilizer.

I definitely underestimated the effects that a healthy lawn and garden would have on my mental state. What used to be an embarrassing eyesore now became a source of personal pride and I’d find myself sitting out front more, enjoying the sunshine and of course obsessing over the areas I could improve on the lawn. The lawn and garden started looking so nice that it looks like a chipmunk decided to leave us the gift of a sunflower seed that blossomed into an amazing addition to the garden!

Garden Sunflower

I will say that it was nice to see the kids playing on actual grass again. Well, when I was yelling at them to “get off my lawn!”… I already can’t wait for next spring to see how things look after a year’s worth of work. For more info on the benefits of raising a healthy lawn and garden, you can visit the Fertilizer Canada website as it is an amazing resource! Have a great winter!!!

*This campaign is sponsored by Fertilizer Canada*

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