No Cougars Allowed!
I guess this would qualify as a Wordless Wednesday post but I have trouble conforming to regular blogging standards, plus the fact that I like to provide a little background info on my photos, which would negate the Wordless part…
Anyway, this is a photo I took at our local library. At first glance, it looks like a couple obvious rules: No Rollerblading and No Dogs. It wasn’t until I took a closer look at the “dog” that I noticed that something was a little off.
Apparently dogs are okay at my library but you are absolutely NOT allowed to bring your pet cougar!!
lol. I have this image of an older woman preying on young men being kicked out of the library now. haha.
darn! I should have put the no-cougar sign on my EX-husband!! lol
What about roller *skates* – are those allowed? 🙂
Ba ha! This is awesome! Have you ever seen the “Watch out for Falling Cows” sign? There are some awesome signs out there!
Oh that is funny! I’ve always wondered why cougars linger around outside the library and are never inside.
lol so funny, I love weird signs!
Ah! So now you know where to go and hide in case of a Cougar take-over!
roller skating dirty old men must be ok then
Bwahahahaha! When I saw the title of this post, I thought you meant “cougars” as in “older ladies going after younger men”!! Too funny! 🙂
But, but, I like the library…
Geez…well that sucks! I guess I can’t bring my cougar to that library then 🙁 I’ll have to tie him up outside while I get my books! Shucks! 😉 LOL too funny though.
Maybe they got the image on sale? Definitely doesn’t look like a dog.
Watch out! Those cougars are prowling everywhere nowadays! Great if they are seeking knowledge, among other things…Ha ha!
Oh, there are so many catty responses to this…
Haha…Say no to Cougars! Unless you’re 40ish and married to one!
Cougars should be allowed everywhere. Just sayin’
No argument here 😀