Skylanders Giants Digital Homework Pack and Giveaway!

Skylander Giants

Alright, I admit it. I am hopelessly addicted to Skylanders! From the moment I found out what it was all about, I was itching for my son to get involved with it. Much to my delight, he brought it up first and in my most Dadly voice I told him I would think about it. Secretly I was jumping for joy on the inside! You see, I have a a very addictive collector side to me that I haven’t been able to use since I was a young hockey card collector and I can’t wait to dig into this thing.

I’m incredibly happy to have teamed up with Activision to be able to share a new downloadable Skylanders Giants Homework Pack, that aims to help your child educate YOU on their favourite characters and introduce you to the wonderful world of Skylanders! You can download a digital copy of the Homework Pack by CLICKING HERE.

The Homework pack features five chapters of fun – one for every week day:

– Monday: History (Skylanders story – SSA and Giants)
– Tuesday: Science (elemental sources)
– Wednesday: Characters (character’s abilities, strengths and weaknesses)
– Thursday: Technology (practicalities of what and how to buy and play)
– Friday: Art (to include dot-to-dot and drawing of key characters)
– Quiz sheets at the end of each chapter testing parents on what they’ve learned that day
– Reward charts to stick on the fridge door with a Skylanders sticker that children award parents once a chapter is complete successfully.


But that’s not all I have for you! I am also giving away a Hard Copy of the Homework Pack that will be accompanied by one of the popular Skylanders characters! I don’t know which character but it doesn’t really matter, does it?!

All you have to do to enter is leave a comment and tell me who your child’s favourite Skylander is. It’s as easy as that! Does your child have 5 favourites like I do? That’s okay, list them all! Giveaway is open to residents of Canada, excluding Quebec, and will close at noon on Sunday, May 19th. Good Luck!

Also, you can follow the Skylanders on Facebook and Twitter to make sure you don’t miss any of the news and action from inside the game!

Congrats to the winner, Alanna Smith!

67 replies
  1. Crescent
    Crescent says:

    His favourite Skylanders are Trigger Happy, Pop Fizz, Eye Brawl and Shroombroom! But it changes every day!

  2. Lara P
    Lara P says:

    His fav is Chop Chop… but he enjoys SO many of them… Ninijini.. etc etc etc.. lol.

  3. Susan Furlano
    Susan Furlano says:

    My 7 year old Granson Loves Skylanders, was Soooo Excited for the Giants & thinks E-Brawl is Awesome. Thanks for the Chance !

  4. Andrea B.
    Andrea B. says:

    My son’s favorite is Ghost Roaster and Eye Brawl. Such a cute game with great graphics! Love that it is for all game systems as well! Thank you for the opportunity!

  5. Alissa Requier
    Alissa Requier says:

    I have three sons all super obsessed with skylanders! Jet vac chop chop shroom boom eye brawl hot dog hot head terra fin and ninjini are their big favs so far but we still have many to collect please pick us!

  6. Heather
    Heather says:

    Both my son and daughter are Skylander fans. we have the starter kit and they are begging for more. We read some Skylander book every night before bed.

    My daughter loves Chill and Ninjini
    Son – Stink Bomb and Eyebrawl.

  7. Alanna Smith
    Alanna Smith says:

    My son is Skylander’s crazy to the nth degree….anything that will get him to do some homework would be amazing!! It’s hard to pick a favorite for him, but what started it all for him was Hothead “I’m on FIRE!”

  8. Desiree
    Desiree says:

    My sons favorite WAS Tree Rex until the tooth fairy brought him a new giant(momma has to google as she forgets the big eyeballs name)….ah yes…Eye Brawl.

  9. Christine
    Christine says:

    My husband and daughter love skylanders – something they can do together.
    My daughter loves trigger happy because he shoots coins! She also likes Hot Dog even though she doesn’t own it yet!! It’s on her wish list!

  10. Nicole
    Nicole says:

    Alas I cannot name my child’s favourite skylander character because until today I didn’t know what they were. I can see my son liking them in the near future though. 🙂

  11. Sydny Barrett
    Sydny Barrett says:

    First of all, thanks for the homework pack! My son is so obsessed with Skylanders we sometimes have trouble getting him to do anything else. His favourite Skylander is anything Legendary or Light core. Cuz those are the cool ones, right? Besides that, as long as he can put a silly hat on it, fez, carrot toque, plunger, he loves it.
    ….did you know you can buy Skylander chapter books at Chapters?

  12. Justin
    Justin says:

    My son’s favorite is Hot Head, which is odd since he doesn’t own that one. Go figure.

    Are you aware of Disney Infinity? It’s the same idea as Skylanders but with Disney’s library of characters. I shudder to think of what a money sink that’s gonna be.

  13. Tiffany
    Tiffany says:

    5 children = 5 favourites!

    DD1’s favourite is Trigger Happy.
    DD2’s favourite is Sonic Boom.
    DD3’s favourite is Ninjini.
    DS1’s favourite is Fright Rider. (<———This is my Skylanders Obsessessed Child!)
    DS2's favourite is Thump Back.

  14. Mark Rutledge
    Mark Rutledge says:

    Jordan’s favourite Skylander’s are Double Trouble,Crusher,Swarm, Hot Head,Eye-brawl and Hex.
    There are too many for him to pick.
    How come he can remember all the Skylanders but not his homework assignments?
    My favourite is the tiki skylander Double trouble.

  15. Kristen
    Kristen says:

    Hot Head, Eye Brawl and Thumpback are my son’s favourites. I love Sonic Boom – he only wants Giants!

  16. Sue Learmonth
    Sue Learmonth says:

    My son is so obsessed! He has at least a half dozen but his favourite is TreeRex. He really loves the giants 🙂

  17. MultiTestingMom
    MultiTestingMom says:

    So my friend, my question to you is what age range you would plug the Skylanders video game at? Thinking of violence etc. and my very impressionable 4 year old son! I’d love your honest opinion 🙂

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