5 Reasons Why Netflix Is Crushing It Right Now {Plus a Giveaway!}
As I have recently come to find out, there are many things to love about Netflix. So many, in fact, that I had to narrow down my list to the top 5 or run the risk of writing a 300 page novel.
1. Netflix Kids – We love the Netflix Kids option in our house because while my kids are old enough to turn on the TV and set up Netflix by themselves, I feel a lot better knowing that they are going to be selecting shows that are appropriate for their ages. Some favourites in our house are H2O Mermaid Adventures, LEGO Ninjago, LEGO Friends and Barbie: Life in the Dreamhouse. Also, once Fuller House is released I can promise you that my daughter will have it playing on a loop!
2. Documentaries – Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you have heard about the polarizing Netflix original documentary ‘Making a Murderer’, which follows the murder investigation of Steven Avery, who had recently been exonerated for a crime that he spent 18 years in jail for. Hopefully the popularity of this documentary will lead people to explore what else Netflix has to offer. I have already watched Happy, Forensic Files and Cosmos, and have Trophy Kids, I Am Ali and Best of TED Talks on tap!
3. Original Programming – What was once solely a streaming service has quickly turned into one of my favourite sources for television shows. In just the last year I have loved Daredevil, Bloodline, Narcos, The Last Kingdom, Jessica Jones and Wet Hot American Summer. That’s only 6 of the many shows that Netflix has produced and the list of shows for 2016, including Marvel’s Luke Cage, looks even more incredible!
4. Great TV Shows – Here is a short list of shows that my wife and I have binged watched on Netflix. Breaking Bad, Pretty Little Liars, How To Get Away With Murder, House of Lies, Dexter, Friday Night Lights, Suits and Gotham. Oh yeah, there’s also the cancelled shows they’ve revived such as The Killing and Arrested Development, which were both fantastic! You will literally never run out of great shows to watch on Netflix and it is definitely worth the investment!
5. Kung Fury – I’m not sure what to say about Kung Fury other than that it is a must watch for anyone who loved 80’s martial arts and police movies. The 30 minute short film is the closest thing you will experience to being on drugs without actually being on drugs and will blow your mind. Please go watch this, urgently!!
Now, who wants to win a 6 month Netflix membership so you can test out the service for yourself? Winning is easy, simply leave a comment below and let me know what your favourite television series of all-time is and I’ll pick a winner next week. Good Luck!!!
The Winner is #76, Hannah!
My favorite is Scandal!!!
Daredevil for me!
I love watching Friends!
My favorite series of all time is Friends.
It would be Full House
Full house, can’t wait for the new series! And rookie blue
Still pine for something as good as Breaking Bad
Mine would have to be Prison Break. So excited to catch the new episodes on Fox.
That would be the killing, best show ever, very sad that its only 4 seasons!
Star Trek: TNG! One Netflix, I have to go with your daughter on this one: Barbie: Life in the Dreamhouse! I wish I had her closet (insert excited scream here).
I like watching House of Cards.
I like Suits and Jessica Jones.
This will age me……Three’s Company!
My favorite tv show of all time was house
My favorite is Full House and I can’t wait for the new series.
My favourite television series of all time is Friends
I love Grey’s Anatomy now. I used to love Gilmore Girls but I think Grey’s beats it out.
My favourite series has to be Breaking Bad. I still mourn over Walter White, and am religiously following Better Call Saul with a desperate hope to see Bryan Cranston reprise his role. *tear
I would have to say Seinfeld. Was a fan from the very 1st episode.
Thanks for the chance.
Favourite series of all time has to be Seinfeld, it’s a classic. My newer fave is Big Bang Theory.
Downton Abbey. Such a great show.
My fav series was “Drop Dead Diva”
My fave of all time was Friends 🙂
Weeds! It’s seriously amazing!
We love Big Bang Theory 🙂
I always liked the old Beverly Hillbillys show, it was great for a good laugh!
My favourite of all time is Boston Legal
Arrested Development is my favourite of all time.
My favourite was Ally McBeal.
No question, absolutely NO question – The Wire is the best show of all time! – imho
**hint hint, Netflix folk**
So many good shows hard to pick one! I guess it would have to be Dexter with Game of Thrones being a very close second
of ALL time ??? Still the kid in me is going to have to answer with The Flintstones lol
I absolutely LOVE Doctor Who!!
favorite of all times is Friends
My all time favorite show is Friends. Even though I know every show it will still make me laugh every single time
For me it has got to be Cheers. Dianne and Sam were hilarious especially when you through Carla into the mix.
I would have to say “Lost” is my all time favourite show because it’s the only series I have binge-watched several times. Every time I watch it I pick up a new clue or message that I hadn’t noticed before. Brilliant series!
Grey’s Anatomy! Soooo In love with the show!!!
Of all time Melrose Place
Supernatural is my favourite show
I love Gilmore Girls!
Criminal Minds hands down
i love Grey’s Anatomy 🙂 thank you for the chance
Heartland is my favourite television show. I also enjoy The Big Bang Theory.
My favorite show is Full House! 🙂
Sons of Anarchy
My favourite was Ozzie And Harriet
Breaking Bad was absolutely my favourite! Miss it so much!
Greys anatomy is the best show ever
My favourite tv show of all time is dr who!! I’m really loving sense 8 on netflix right now too.
My favorite television series of all time is The Walking Dead!
Definitely the Wonder Years!
Wow! That’s a tough question since I’ve been at times a TV junkie! I would have to say my all time favourite is The Sopranos. No one could talk or move when that show was on in my house! This is before I had a PVR where I could rewind it! I also really liked Seinfeld and found it one of the funnier shows on TV.
Thanks for the giveaway!
my favourite is the simpsons
Star Trek!
Days of Our Lives!
No question, “Friends”. I’ve watched the entire series countless times – it never gets old and always cheers me up.
My favourite Series is Gray Anatomy!
My favorite is House of Cards.
I would have to pick Grey’s Anatomy, I have watched it ever since it started!
It would have to be MacGyver for me.. It has always been an inspiration for me to be a hands on problem solver.
Sons of Anarchy is a fantastic show…I really miss it!
I love Dr. Who
My favourite show of all time is LOST! Although I think it might change after I start watching Breaking Bad!
My favourite show of all time is Little House on the Prairie.
My favourite show of all time is Seinfeld!!!
[email protected]
The Brady Bunch!
my favourite show of all time is married with children
My favourite TV series would have to be Bones
The favorite tv show of all time is Seinfeld.
Greys Anatomy is my favourite.
Probably Little House on the Prairie from my childhood.
the x files
I have 2 all time favs. Shameless and Orange is the New Black
Pretty little liars definitely! I LOVE watching it on Netflix! I think I’ve rematched the series on there about 6 times.
Knight Rider
My favourite television series of all time is Breaking Bad.
My favourite series was Prison Break!
I always looked forward to weekly episodes of “House”.
I loved X-Files and can’t wait for the reboot this weekend!!!
Tough question! I would have to go with the xfiles. It was a defining series for me and really got me hooked on sci fi.
I was going to say Star Trek, but then I remembered Happy Days.
I would love to say Lost
Now I will show my age.Now Back in my day I loved the Munsters.LOL
Full House