
Can’t Find a Better Caaaaaaaarrrr!

Ford Escape

I know, I know, Eddie would freak out if he saw his lyrics being used in this manner. There is a point to it though, so I ask that you let me make it before getting upset. I recently had the opportunity to test drive the 2013 Ford Escape for a week to see what I thought of it.

My first impression was that I wasn’t sure about the colour that had been chosen for me. The baby blue seemed a little flashy and anyone who knows me, would know that I do not like to draw attention to myself… Honestly, Ford offers an amazing variety of colours for their vehicles and this one suited me just fine.

There was so much to love about this Escape that it was tough to give it back at the end of the week. My 4 year old son said it best when he proclaimed, “I don’t want to go in the black car anymore, I only want the blue one!” It has a beautiful design and the interior is spacious and extremely comfortable. One of my favourite features is the hands-free lift gate. Check out this video (not of me) to see what I’m talking about and you’ll get why it is so cool.

The other thing that impressed me was the fuel economy. With their new EcoBoost engines, you get up to 5 mpg better fuel economy than you used to. Speaking of fuel, my Escape had a feature on the dash that let you know how many more km’s you had left before you needed to fill up. Being a poker player, I obviously had to test out the accuracy of this feature! Unfortunately, I chickened out when it got down to 12km and filled up the tank. Next time!

48km to go and no gas station for at least 35km. Scary.

48km to go and no gas station for at least 35km. Scary.

In the end, as someone who hasn’t had a chance to get that new car smell in a while, the 2013 Ford Escape suited all the needs that I am looking for in a family vehicle and I was sad to have to let it go. As for Eddie Vedder, one of my favourite things about this vehicle was the MyFord Touch system, which featured a touch screen GPS and Sirius radio. I found the 24/7 Pearl Jam station the first day and never changed it again. Sorry Eddie, but I’m not that sorry.

24/7 Eddie Vedder = Music Heaven

24/7 Eddie Vedder = Music Heaven


My Zip Lining Adventure: Evidently Fear is Not a Factor For Me!










I was fortunate enough to have been asked by Ford Canada to take part in their “Escape For A Day” adventure. The day included lunch and dinner, the chance to drive on a closed, professional driving course and a zip lining adventure at Lafleche Adventure Cave and Aerial Park.

One problem. I am terrified of heights! A trait I’m sure can be traced back to my mother, who avoids flying like the plague.

Looking back on how amazing the experience was, I thought about how I must have been perceived in the moments leading up to the big moment where I stepped off the ledge and hung suspended over the vast expanse of nothingness beneath my feet.

I have never been a very adventurous person, so the thought of hurling myself off a platform while hanging by a couple of clips wasn’t really sitting in my stomach very well. Up until this moment, one of the most dangerous things I had done was riding the banana boat with my friends in the Dominican Republic. There was also the time I jumped off the roof of my house into our pool but I was much younger and dumber back then.

I spent the better part of the morning with a gut wrenching knot in my stomach, worrying about whether I’d be able to pull it off or not. When the dark clouds began to form and the rain started pouring down, I breathed a great big sigh of relief. There was no way they would allow people to zip line in the rain. It would be far too dangerous. Better yet, now I don’t have to make a tough decision in front of all my blogging peers, 99% of which were women. My manliness would remain intact on a technicality!


We were immediately ushered into our meeting room and asked whether we’d like to do Zip Lining or Cave Exploration. Now the spotlight was on me and I had no idea what to do. My fear was evident and hopefully the people in the room that day know that I was 100% in my fear. There was zero attention seeking going on in that moment, my family was literally flashing before my eyes as I contemplated taking the leap.

The fear had just about taken over when the “zipping instructor” ( I don’t know what they’re called…) said that if I was scared, she would tandem zip with me. For some reason this made me feel more comfortable and I started getting suited up to zip! Looking back, I have no idea how the idea of tandem zipping would have made any difference in my fear of plunging to my death.

So I gathered up all my courage, kissed the picture of my family and marched up the mountain. Once I got there, I realized that there was nothing manly about tandem zipping so I decided to go at it alone. Realizing the longer I stood there the worse my anxiety would get, I decided to volunteer to go 2nd (going first is highly overrated!).

The only other pic that proves I did it, haha! Photo by @Tricia_Duggan












After a miniature anxiety attack, I spent the longest 30 seconds of my life staring at the edge of the platform before gently gliding off through the trees. In my head, I screamed like I was in a horror movie. To the crowd, I was smiling as if I’d done it a million times before. Pure exhilirating fear. That’s how I would best describe my first run.

By the time I had arrived at run 2, I was a seasoned pro and couldn’t wait to get on the line. Again, I have no idea why my brain felt safe all of a sudden, nothing had changed and the worst case scenario was still a 50 foot free fall with no parachute or water beneath me. Still, I threw out some hotdog moves and even pulled off a Shaka Brah although no one was there to see it.

I don’t know if there is a message in here for people. As an anxiety ridden person myself, I always scoff at the idea that you can do anything you put your mind to, especially when you don’t control the environment surrounding you. There’s always a downside or worst case scenario to things but I’m so happy that I chose to go with the upside of trying this experience out. I also don’t feel like a changed man. It’s just nice to know that fears can be conquered and that being scared of something doesn’t mean it is not worth trying.

Now if you’ll excuse me, I am going to go and chain myself to my desk!


PS – I want to say a huge thanks to the people at Ford Canada for allowing me to take part in this experience. It was one of those once in a lifetime things for me and I’ll never forget it. I also want to thank all the incredible local bloggers I met that day. As a new blogger, I was starstruck throughout most of it and you all made me feel like one of the group from the get go. It was very much appreciated and a testament to the quality of people in our community.

The Age Of Electric Is Here! My Day With Ford Canada (#FordOttawa)

If you can get passed the handsome gentleman holding the sign, you’ll notice that in behind there is a beautiful looking ride.

That is the 2013 Ford Fusion Hybrid Energi. From what I was told, there are only 7 of these in the world, so of course I had to touch it!

I was invited by Ford to come and test drive some of their new energy efficient cars and to learn a little more about their upcoming projects. They had sandwiches, drinks and other things, like cars.

I was lucky enough to test drive 2 of the vehicles on hand. The first was the 2013 Escape with EcoBoost Engine. This is the most fuel efficient small SUV on the market. You have to keep in mind that my current leases are up this year, so the last time I went car shopping was 6 years ago.

Things have certainly changed. From the Keyless Touch Starter to the Microsoft Sync system, the Escape was definitely fully loaded. I enjoyed the reverse cam and how the side mirrors had blind spot indicators that old you if anyone was next to you. This was the vehicle I came to see. With a 4 piece family, we need something with a lot of room and that provides the safety my family deserves. The Escape did not disappoint.

I stuck around after my test drive because there was no way I was leaving without trying out the 2013 Focus Electric. It also gave me an opportunity to enjoy a couple more sandwiches. Did I mention the sandwiches yet?

Where do I start with the Focus Electric? It’s one of 6 new electrified vehicles that Ford will deliver over the next two years. Zero emissions? Gas free? It’s such a surreal concept but it’s happening. You notice it from the moment you press the touch starter and hear nothing. I thought the car hadn’t started but my Ford expert assured me it was go to go!

As I pulled out of the parking lot, I noticed something else. The car itself made no noise while driving it either. No engine sound, only the faint sound of the tires on the pavement. It drove like a hot knife through butter, totally smooth and effortless. I was very impressed with this drive and was glad I waited around for it. The only issue I could see was that without gas, you would need to charge this vehicle a lot, especially on longer trips.

Overall, I had a great time at the event and met some great new people. If you get a chance, head on over to Ford Canada’s Website and check out all the new Fuel Efficient vehicles they have in store for you.
