Did You Get Caught By The Flu This Season? {Plus A Giveaway!}
Well, we’re almost at the finish line and, knock on wood, we haven’t had any major sickness in our house to date this flu season. Is it just around the corner? Maybe, but I’m staying confident in my belief that this year’s flu shot is going to do its job and keep us from missing out on hockey, ballet, skating, sledding, baseball and everything else in between.
The truth is that I got so sick last year that I completely changed my lackadaisical behaviour when it comes to flu prevention. Getting the shot was one step but I have become obsessive about things such as hand washing, cleaning my workstation and germs in general. Besides, it’s hard to teach your children the importance of clean living when you yourself don’t follow your own advice. One thing I will caution you against, however, is using google to look up how many germs are out there and where they like to hang out the most… No, seriously, don’t do it!
Throughout this Shoppers Drug Mart flu shot campaign, I have received a number of comments on both sides of the fence about whether or not you should get the flu shot for you and your family but there is only one fact that matters to me. As I discussed in the post about Flu Shot Myths, getting the flu shot will not make you sick and even if it only gives you a slight advantage of not getting sick this winter, I am going to take any advantage I can get.
That said, there is still time to get out to your local Shoppers Drug Mart to get your flu vaccination. If you think reaching February means you are safe, you need to think again!
Now, because you are all so amazing, I am going to be giving away a Cold & Flu Prize Pack which includes a $100 gift card from Shoppers Drug Mart! This should get you through any sniffles you may come across during flu season and prevent you from having to reuse tissues… This giveaway is open to residents of Canada, excluding Quebec.
Total isolation worked wonders for physical health, though mental health is another story
We just got over the flu in our house. It didn’t hit hard, but it still wasn’t pleasant.
Luckily, no flu here so far! We take all the usual precautions, but sometimes it’s just luck.
Unfortunately, I’ve got it now 🙁
Yup, no flu this season
Yip we all got it once so far. Thought we were all going to die especially my sookey husband. LOL He is worse than my kids!! We took buckleys!
So far so good!,..we both had our flu shots!
had a cold for a few days. took lots of vitamin c and drank lots of orange juice, washed hands often. stayed inside and it was gone. thank god it was bad.
So far so good, but we have had more than our fair share of colds!
So far so good. Just the odd sniffle.
We were very lucky this year and no one in the family had the flu
Not yet! I had the flu shot and I take fish oil every day.
Not only did we avoid the flu ( we all got our flu shots as soon as available) the whole house hasnt even had a cold this year!
No we have been lucky
No flu – good hygiene and the vaccine. However the flu season has not ended yet and seems to be starting up in some communities.
I made sure I washed my hands, and that I took vitamin C daily, and coughed into my sleeve to avoid spreading germs around.
no flu here! We always carry hand sanitizer and wipe down door knobs and handles at home
Despite our best efforts we got the flu this past week. First the five year old then the two year old. It wasn’t as bad as years past though.
I never get the flu, so I don’t need to do anything special
So far, so good
No one had the flu in our house, and 2 of us got the flu shot.
Flu shots, baby! Plus I’ve been using NeliMed Sinus rinses whenever I feel a cold coming on!
We never had the flu yet, fingers crossed!
Stayed away from gatherings this year!
I did get it and it seemed to last forever. I am glad I had my flu shot.
No flu yet! Fingers crossed
We’ve never had the flu or have taken a flu shot.
No flu here and it better stay that way
No my kids got the flu a few months ago
So far our household has been flu free, fingers crossed that it stays that way.
My youngest child has gotten the flu a few times this winter.
I just had the stomach flu last year! It only lasted 12 hours, but it was a miserable 12 hours!
no flu this year so far!
yes couldn’t avoid my kids got sick
I did get flu shot. I did have a cold/cough/sore thoart that made me miserable for a few days.
All here at home escaped colds and flu thus far. Our poor daughter who lives away and works with kids has been sick with a horrible bout of flu.
8 weeks of misery! Lol
Got my flu Shot @ Shopper’s drug Mart, healthy diet and exercise for better health builds up my immunity….
No flu shot, no flu but got cold
Other than a short lived cold we have managed to avoid illness this winter! Avoiding people in general helps lol!
Avoided it so far. Hope this luck lasts!
We’d managed to avoid it so far! knock on wood.
Up until last night we had avoided it, but my 18 year old was up all night vomiting, my 8 year old is home from school today because of it. Probably just a matter of time before my 5 and 7 year olds get it. We do not get the flu shot but we dress for the weather, wash hands, and try to eat a good diet including as much fresh produce as our budget will allow with winter prices.
Yes so far so good this year…We got it really bad last year though, so have been doing everything we can to avoid it this year!
Thank goodness we have managed to avoid it so far. Fingers crossed we get through the season without incident!
got flu shot
Been sic free to date!
So far no flu but my youngest has a cold and slight cough
Yes thankfully our family are able to avoid the flu this year so far (knock on woods)
no flu this year!
No one has gotten it yet. Hopefully out luck will hold out and no one will.
so far no flu for me
No flu yet
My family has an amazing immune system….we have NEVER had the flu
We did not get the flue this year but had flue shots and were very carefull about hand wahing
My daughter came home from school today with the begining of the flue. So we don`t know how bad it will get.
Knock on wood, so far this year has been pretty good, just a few sniffles here and there.
we have been fortunate so far this year. just a few colds
yes, we’ve avoided the flu this year (so far!)
no flu for any of us, thank goodness
we are lucky to have no colds or flu so far
We are in the middle of the flu now. I haven’t caught it yet. Hoping our overwashing everything works.
We are currently all laid out sick on the couch. Yuck!
A few colds here and there but thankfully no flu!
So far, so good! Now I hope I didn’t jinx us!
No flu here, we are all about hand washing , I think that helps a lot.
We wash our hands regularly but sadly the flu still seems to find us!
The flu hit during Christmas. I just suck it up, buttercup 😛
I eat a lot of salad. Thank you!
Knock on wood, I have avoided so far!
So far so good.
I got it over the holidays. Fortunately after my vacation in NY.
I got the flu shot this year and so far I am healthy.
So far so good..knock on wood
So far so good no flu here.
Yes, thankfully
anyone in my house has not had the flu in quite a few years
So far we have avoided the flu—touch wood
We did. Just a minor cold in mid December but pretty good otherwise
We did avoid the flu! Thanks to the flu shot!
If I were superstitious I would be looking for some wood to knock on, but I am not. No, we have not had the flu this year.
We did avoid the flu this year 🙂 But I got hit with a viral infection that has now given me laryngitis, so I’m a squeak talker for a bit now haha! But I will take that over the flu anyday!
We washed our hands constantly dressed appropriately and ate healthy . We have escaped it so far ( knock on wood )
So far we are good this year,no germs have invaded the house.
Luckily no flus yet….. colds on the other hand are another story. With a toddler in daycare he is getting sick alot from all the germs
i washed my hands alot
We have been keeping up on vitamins and fruits and veggies! Hoping to avoid sickness this year
We got the flu shots in late November and have been eating well and getting a bit of fresh air.
So far so good
We have been lucky so far, no flu at all!
No flu for us so far!
So far my family has avoided the flu by staying hydrated, washing our hands and taking extra vitamin C.
So far so good, knock on wood.
Luckily my family has not had to deal with the flu bug this season.
Got it at the end of November. Was sick for almost a week.
We didn’t get sick this year!
Thankfully no flu so far this year!
No flu so far!
We haven’t gotten it yet – knock on wood!
So far all clear.
So far my family has managed to avoid the flu this year.
Touch wood we have not gotten it
My son got the flu bad. I don’t know how the rest of us escaped it, but boy was it a doozy!
No flu so far this year
No flu in our house. Knock on wood. 🙂
No flu here. we all get the flu shot and are careful to wash our hands a lot
No flu. No flu shot either. Colds though, there were colds…
I live by myself and got the flu shot at Shoppers..so far no problem
My family managed to stay off the flu.
So far we have all avoided the cold and flu this season
No flu this year, thankfully.
So far so good
No flu for us so far. Thankfully.
did not get the flu woohoo!
I got the flu shot so I didn’t get the flu
We had the stomach flu sweep through the house twice. It wasn’t bad though. Could have been a lot worse. I guess we were overdue. Hadn’t had the flu here in a while.
Despite the fact that everyone had flu shots the last two have been hell. Coughing, sneezing, throwing up and everything else. We have spend several nights at the ER. Hopefully it will so be over.
Do not want to jinx anything.
well we are managing….not so well! Both kids have had the flu. I’m super sanitizing to try not to get it but I think it’ s coming!
Washing our hands regularly is important to prevent the spread of germs.
I rarely get the flue…I eat chicken soup alot
i didn’t get caught in the flu season. i’ve been lucky so far but i do work in a school and daycare so it’s bound to eventually catch up
So far my family has avoided the flu this year!
yes so far so good everyone has only had a few sniffles.
Yes, we have been flu free so far!
So far only my husband has had a bad cold but did end up with phnemonia, he still is coughing some.
We had it, but just a mild case.
Last year I got the flu before I could get my flu shot and it turned into a 4 month ordeal, including a pneumonia diagnosis. This year, I got my flu shot the first day it was available! So far, so good. Fingers crossed!
We have avoided influenza but got viral pharyngitis, which is miserable like a cough, cold and sore throat at the same time.
No flu here yet, not sure why, but who am I to question it?!
So far we have been flu free. (touching wood. lol)
The Flu has been trying to get a grip on me, but I keep taking different drugs to keep it at bay. AND, I had my flu shot in October 2015…..
Yeah, no flu here. Wow, prize $100 gc is fab. & splendid. 2 fingers snap. It is tight, fly & off the chain. Thank you for the awesomeness, the contest, and generosity. 🙂 Pick me, pick me!
Got flu shot from doc
We’ve managed to dodge the bullet so far! Good immune systems!
I got a flu bug and still have it over 2 weeks later !!
The flu has passed us by so far, fingers crossed it stays that way!
Been lucky so far and no flu. But I’ve seen lots of sniffling people lately.
Fingers crossed as my family and I have not been affected. Staying healthy hopefully all season long.
The flu hasn’t hit us too bad this year (*knock on wood!) but I’ve had strep twice, coming on three times, and my three daughters have had it too. Waiting for summer….
So far no flu here
I managed to dodge the flu so far this year, but sadly both my kids got it right before Christmas & it really put a damper on their special day. Flu is no fun! 🙁
Just a few colds and sniffles, nothing big yet!
No colds, flu or anything yet.
Everyone in the house got it and it was bad!
We had our flu shots but we did get sick early November. The first day was awful with the sore, red throat but that was only for the day. Lasted about 5 days.
no flu yet we take all the usual precautions washing hands.
i caught one dandy cold that just came in the back door and dropped me to my knees,i am still feeling the effect today as i write this ,it was scary and this time it hurt me due to all the coughing,i would not want nobody to get this whoe
I’m scared to jinx it, but so far we’ve escaped it!
my son and I both had flu shots this year. First time ever and so far neither one of us has had more than a cold
with a little bit of luck!
Was down for 2 weeks after someone thought they were ok to go a Hot Yoga class while they were in the midst of the flu. Not fun!
Just some small colds. I’ve never had the flu in my life. My kids got it a few years ago.
Thankfully no flues for us, just colds.
No we had an awful flu, it was one of the worst I have ever had. It took 3 weeks to fully recover…was terrible!
My brother and mother caught a little bit of it over the holidays
We didn’t get flu shot this year and so far we avoided the flu 🙂 🙂
Still have a chest cold .Three weeks and counting!. Thankfully no flu-bug.
We haven’t had the flu but have fought colds this season.
Yes, my work paid off. I motivated my family to drink lots of fluids. When my dad and mom were watching tv during commercial breaks I got them up and we did exercise together.
Knock on wood, we have managed to avoid the flu so far 🙂
Fingers crossed, we haven’t had it yet!
My husband has been the only one so far!
No we did not avoid it, but we didn’t get it as bad this year as years past
We made sure to wash our hands often and take our multivitamins.
We did not get it fortunately
My oldest son has it right now. So far it’s not too bad. I’m just worried that he will pass it onto his little brother. I’m worried for me and my hubby too. Who wants to get sick, right?
We avoided it but I got bronchitis.
Fortunately no one has been sick this winter.
No one has been sick here (crosses fingers)
For some (good) reason the flu hasn’t struck yet. yay on us
We are careful this time around.
S far so good,thank god.The flu is very dangerous for people like me 😛 Crohn’s ans colitis is like living with a touch of the flu on a daily basis.
No flu yet this year( shhhhhh, it will hear us )
Luckily we avoided it. Like we do every year.
No, flu here! We get our flu shots and been lucky I guess.
2015 was a good year for my entire family to be health husband/son and I. Well to start off 2016 – husband was sick for 8 days…lot of laundry days…everyone appeared to be back to normal. Then my son complained that his Grade 7 classmates were all sick – looking white, no appetite, listless – yep fever…..hopefully this passes before day 7. As for the lady of the house – running on empty….but going the distance.
We got the lucky bug in terms of the flu virus and hopefully it will remain that way the rest of the year.
Thank goodness yes, we were able to by pass it.
No flu this year ! Thank goodness ! Its the worst feeling !
We have been lucky so far fingers crossed it stays that way.
I haven’t gotten the flu shot in years but with an elderly grandparent living with my parents I decided not to take a chance. So far so good. *knock on wood*
I strap Lysol wipes to my hip and wipe everything down constantly. My daughter got it and I contained her in her room.
So far so good! knock on wood. My oldest is in grade one and Ive heard of loads of colds and flus going through the school so im sure it will make its way in our home before the season ends
So far so good, we have avoided the flu
All six of us managed to get the flu this year, but it wasn’t too severe.
we did surprisingly well, nothing too bad at all. knock on wood
so far so good with avoiding the flu but i’ve had a cold that will just not end!!
THE flu shot is always free here in SK, so I have always gotten it as I can’t afford to loose any work days (non union so no paid sick days ever unless you’re like going in for surgery, then there’s EI) Anywho, I haven’t been sick with the flu in like, 8 yrs? Maybe 10
So far so good knock on wood!
yes,so far,no flu here in this household,,,yet.!
Yes so far we have been good, however I always find March is the worst month.
Nothing here yet! Woot!
Luckily we have not got the flu this year *yet* 😉 but a lot of juice and staying active wards it off!!
No flu in my household this winter so far. Luck with not even a cold.
So far so good! There were a few times when I thought someone was coming down with the flu but I made chicken soup & all was good!
We all got our flu shots and flu-mist this year so when our daughter got the flu, it wasn’t that bad. Unfortunately the hubby go it too and it festered into pneumonia. But I didn’t get hit….yet! (knocks on wood) 🙂
We all – including my husband who usually refuses – got our flu shots. To date – we’ve been flu-free
we have been fortunate enough to escape the flu bug in this house.
Flu shot by Tanis at Shoppers worked wonders, and lotsa Vitamin C for the family kept everything at bay. 🙂
My husband got the flu right now even though he got the flue shot. I hope I wont catch it!
no flu here
We haven’t been hit with the flu yet, but we have all suffered mild colds already. It was not a fun time, but we’re all feeling healthy now and hopefully it stays that way!
Flu shot = no flu
Got the Flu in September. Got The flu shot in October. Got the flu again in December
we did not recieve the flu shot and this year my family has been very healthy –no flu bugs in my house
Knock on Wood none of us have had the FLU must be doing something right
No flu here yet, thank goodness!
we are strong
No Flu bugs in our house so far , we had our flu shots ! thanks for the chance !
We’ve really only had a few days here and there!
We have avoided the flu and hope our luck continues for the rest of the season
We have managed to avoid it so far.
So far, no flu here yet. We’ve just making sure we are all washing our hands!
None of us have got the flu yet which is surprising since 2 of us work in health care
We have the flu now (we did get the flu shot). I choose to believe it would have been worse if we didn’t get it
I got my flu shot early, as I do every year. So far this season I have evaded catching the flu. Hopefully, I will continue for the rest of the year.
No flu, yet.
Most of us ended up getting it this year but not as bad as some years.
We went to visit the grandchildren and bam! Thankful it was only a two day flu, just wanted to go back home.
So far, so good. Strangely enough, when I used to get the flu shot every year, I’d get the flu. Then I decided to stop two years ago and never got the flu again since then. Of course, I’m sure it’s just a coincidence, or maybe my body’s just weird.
we have managed to avoid it so far
My daughter started with a flu and now has a cough that will not leave. She has had it for 3 months. It’s crazy, there are no smokers in our house (she is only 12) and she is a healthy kid.
No flu here.
Yes of course no flu here , rare to get any sickness here
We haven’t gotten the flu yet this year but last year I didn’t get it until April last year so there’s time left haha!
This family did not get the flu thanks to the flu shot.
so far so good … no flu in our house .. just a few colds!
In our family of five, at least one of us gets sick with the flu or a GI bug every year. Right now, 2/5 of us have the flu.
No flu here! Don’t usually get sick..
There is a flu in my home right now and I am avoiding it as we speak! 🙂
We have not had it…yet! Hoping for no flu in this house this year.
Flu and cough has been attacking our house!
Hahahahha… NOOOOOOOOO!!!!
I have the flu – it could be worse. I did have a flu shot.
So far so good
I had a really bad cold but we avoided the flu so far this year.
We were busy this year and ended up deciding to forego the flu shots. Luckily no one in the house has gotten the flu yet this year. (Knock on wood)
We have not had it yet.
We got the cold flu mix that lasted for a couple of weeks .
No flu this year! Just a handful of short colds so far, but winter is not over yet.
I swear by vitamin D drops, they help with so many things! I have not had the flu in many years, knock on wood!
I kept myself healthy this year by increasing my exercise routine. I had the flew 4 or 5 years ago and it was terrible!
Thankfully we have avoided the Flu. Keeping fingers crossed we dont get it. Thanks so much for the chance.
Nope, we didn’t manage to avoid the flu. I currently have it, but I’m almost better. I was pretty exhausted at the beginning and I’m so glad to have some energy back.
Yes thankfully, no one got sick yet this year.
so far we have all fared well.
we have been lucky so far. Knock on wood!! and i think all it is luck!
No Flu here!
So far so good.
managed to avoid it!
Nothing here – we get the flu shot. Sometimes we get a cold, but not yet.
We got it early this year! Hopefully we are done!