My Way Overdue P90X Review! (Sort Of)
There are a million reasons for why I took so long to write about the P90X. I received the package from Beachbody back in February, just as I was crashing down from the inspiration that was the Dad 2.0 Summit. The truth is, I was afraid. I am overweight, out of shape and I was petrified to try out the system for fear of dropping dead. That probably sounds ridiculous but it’s what was going through my head.
I have always prided myself on providing the work I promised in a timely manner and this one has been hanging over my head for a couple months now, taunting me like the ghost of reviews past. I even thought about returning it a couple times but have since decided to face my fear and give it a go.
Due to prior commitments, I will be starting the program next week but promise to make amends to Beachbody by posting an update on how everything is going at a later date. I’m still scared of passing out but I feel like this is something I need to do for myself and my health.
While I gear up to get started, I’m looking for some tips and tricks from all you fitnessy people on things I should be doing to get through this unharmed. Please leave them in the comments for me and maybe others. Thanks!
I’ve done P90X! It definitely seems intimidating at first, but once you get started, all those fears will go away. Start out slow, and don’t overdo it.. and expect to be sore after the first few workouts. Also lots of protein shakes and water!! Once your body gets into the routine of doing the workouts, you’ll feel great!
Good luck to you! I look forward to reading your updates on how you’re doing.
Thanks Holly! I’m hoping to start on Monday!