Star Wars Prize Pack Fathers Day

My Top 7 “I Am Your Father” Moments {Plus Giveaway!}

Star Wars has provided me with so much joy over the years, with no line being repeated more than the classic Darth Vader shocker, “Luke, I am your father”. To celebrate the upcoming Father’s Day celebrations, I thought I would share my Top 7 “I am your father” moments! Here we go:

7. That time I told the kids to clear their plates after lunch but they forgot and then went to play outside with their friends and then found the same old half-eaten food on their plates for dinner.

6. When the kids were supposed to shower but defiantly avoided it, so I pretended the shower was broken for a week so they could be the smelly kids at school. Lessons learned.

5. When my son threatened to run away because I wouldn’t let him play on his iPad for an extra half hour and then called his bluff by letting him put his shoes on and walking all the way down the street, only to have him realize it was a bad idea and quickly run back home.

4. The day I became the “Worst Dad Ever” for not buying the toy my kid wanted, 5 minutes before their best friend invited them over for a playdate that they needed a ride to.

3. When I told the kids to bring their toys in from outside in case it rained because I wouldn’t replace them, only to have it rain on their not brought in toys, ruining them for good.

2. When my kids found out they loved sports, so my wife and I took on extra jobs to help pay for the costs of competitive sports fees because we want the kids to have the opportunity to explore their full potentials.

1. The day I realized that I get to wake up and experience something new and amazing with these kids every single day and loving every second of it regardless of whether it’s good or bad.

As you can see, for better or worse, there are plenty of “I am your father” moments throughout the days and I absolutely wouldn’t have it any other way. Speaking of that, check out this amazing Happy ‘I Am Your Father’s Day’ video made especially for the Star Wars fans out there!

How cool was that?! Now I want to hear some of your “I am your father” moments, whether they’re happy, funny or other, and I have a great Star Wars prize pack to give away to help make your Father’s Day that much more special! All you have to do to enter is using the Rafflecopter form below and I’ll pick a winner in a few days.

Good Luck!!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Disclosure: I was compensated for my participation in this program, but I really am a father…

97 replies
  1. Florence Cochrane
    Florence Cochrane says:

    Star Wars the Force Awakens. That one I went with the whole family, hubby, my children and grandchildren. Everyone enjoyed it.

  2. Chris MacDonald
    Chris MacDonald says:

    My favourite Star Wars movie is The Empire Strikes back because it introduced great characters like Yoda!

  3. Kory Lowden
    Kory Lowden says:

    I’d say one of my favorite “I am your Father” moment came when my toddler and I were walking around a park and he was amazed by the ants walking across the path…. So much so he started to squish all of them. He loves watching the bugs walk for a little bit until he decides it’s time to squish them.

  4. Tara Betterley
    Tara Betterley says:

    I really like the Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace. I know it will sound strange but, I really like Jar Jar Binks!

  5. jay nelson
    jay nelson says:

    Star Wars 1977. I did not enjoy it the first time I saw it – but I loved it when I watched i with my children (especially my son’s love of Yoda.

  6. ivy pluchinsky
    ivy pluchinsky says:

    I love The Force Awakens because I thought it was a great movie and I enjoyed it the most out of all of them.

  7. Maritess
    Maritess says:

    My favourite is Episode 1. I remember watching it as a kid and was just amazed by the graphics ( back then)

  8. Kate Hearn
    Kate Hearn says:

    I like return of the Jedi because I love those furry little ewoks. Force awakens was good…but I haven’t recovered from what that Kylo brat did to my Han.

  9. Corry L,
    Corry L, says:

    Star Wars The Force Awakens because I grew up with it, loved it and have watched it with my brother over 100 times!

  10. Amy Stackhouse
    Amy Stackhouse says:

    The Empire Strikes Back is my favourite and it was the first movie I ever on saw on the big screen. My father took me to it and I was hooked on Star Wars from then on!

  11. Dianne G.
    Dianne G. says:

    I am one of those people who think there should be one movie in a series and then move onto something else for the next movie, so I like the first Star Wars Movie. I watched the second one and none of the rest because I did not like it as much as the first.

  12. Jennifer M
    Jennifer M says:

    My favourite will always be the original movie – the real first one, not the first one that is actually the 4th one and was made after the first three but the real first one, made first ?

  13. Chaun
    Chaun says:

    Being a huge Star Wars fan, my husband has ensured that both our boys have a huge appreciation for it too! At 8 and 4, they are massively huge Star Wars fans too! Happy Fathers Day to all the dads out there!

  14. missbobloblaw
    missbobloblaw says:

    I love the original Star Wars. Something about that opening scroll still gets me excited about the movie after all these years!

  15. Krista M
    Krista M says:

    The very first original Star Wars is my favorite because we watched it in the early 80s when I was in elementary school so I have good childhood memories of it!

  16. nicolthepickle
    nicolthepickle says:

    The Force Awakens was my favourite. It was the first one I saw and the one that got me hooked. I did watch the others, but I still like it because this is where it started for me.

  17. Melissa Finn
    Melissa Finn says:

    The Force Awakens because I got to share it with my son but it included all my faves- Luke, Leia, Chewy & Han!

  18. Jennifer
    Jennifer says:

    The action packed The Empire Strikes back is my favourite. It was the first one that I had seen back in the day.

  19. Shelina Alibhai
    Shelina Alibhai says:

    I have seen all STAR WARS MOVIES except the last 2. I like the The Original STAR WARS: Episode 1V – A New Hope because it introduces All the Characters. I like R2D2 and C3PO.
    BIG FAN OF STAR WARS. Thank you

  20. Mark Morell
    Mark Morell says:

    Empire was/is my favourite – that scene on Hoth where the AT-ATs show up just blew me away and I recreated that battle in my young head for many, many days. Thanks!

  21. Elizabeth Matthiesen
    Elizabeth Matthiesen says:

    Star Wars (later re-titled Star Wars: Episode IV – A New Hope) because that was so very different from all the other movies I’d seen up to then. Loved it and all the following movies too. 🙂

  22. Jocelyne Alldrick
    Jocelyne Alldrick says:

    i like the original star wars. its the first movie we ever rented and it was a big deal at my house in the eighties!

  23. DebP
    DebP says:

    The original Star Wars. The opening shot of that spaceship that seemed to go on forever was like nothing I’d seen before.

  24. Ryan
    Ryan says:

    My favourite Star Wars movie it Return of the Jedi. The opening act vs Jabba the Hutt is one of the most entertaining moments in any film ever.

  25. Dianne Bull
    Dianne Bull says:

    Definitely the original Star Wars movie, A New Hope. Little did we know, what would transpire after that initial movie.

  26. Tanis
    Tanis says:

    Hubby says the first Star Wars is his favorite as he used to watch it at his grandpa’s when he was young and watching it over and over got him hooked!

  27. Carey Hurst
    Carey Hurst says:

    The Ewok Movie.
    The reason is the Ewoks are the best , loved that movie. Yeah Star Wars is awesome but The Ewok Adventure come on lol

  28. Sab Edwards
    Sab Edwards says:

    The original Star Wars , I was 13 and was even reading sci fi back then as my father liked deep sci fi stuff (Robert A. Heinlein type of sci fi)

  29. Betty S
    Betty S says:

    All the star wars movies get watched and rewatched in our house. They can’t seem to figure out which is their favourite. I think mine is the first one

  30. Suzi
    Suzi says:

    The original is my favourite as nothing can beat the experience of watching it and sharing it with the next generation!

  31. thomas dahm
    thomas dahm says:

    Star Wars the Force Awakens. That one I went with the whole family, hubby, my children and grandchildren. Everyone enjoyed it.


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