Dad Blogs Exposed! – Beta Dad

Welcome back to Dad Bogs Exposed! Every week I will be introducing you to a new Dad blogger and today, I’m happy to introduce you to Andy Hinds, who runs the popular blog Beta Dad!

Andy was one of the first people to really make me feel like I was a part of the online Dad blog community. All he did was have a Twitter conversation with me but for most new bloggers, that’s all we really looking for. You spend a lot of time staring at your empty interactions page when you start up and it was cool of him to fill mine up a bit!

Andy is father to twin 3 year old girls, who go by the pseudonym’s of Butterbean and Cobra on the blog. At least I hope that’s their pseudonym’s….His writing has slowed down a bit since he’s rejoined the workforce but I’m guessing it’s tough to find a balance between it all, especially with twins.

You can add to that, the fact that he can also be found writing at the collaborative Dad blog DadCentric and also over at the popular blog, Aiming Low, and you can see where life would start to get a little busy.

Now, let’s get into the awesomeness that is Beta Dad! First things first, Check out this header from his website, which features his girls stomping through downtown Toyko. I knew from that moment that this was a site I was going to enjoy!

Andy is not your prototypical Dad blogger. On top of posting about his kids and family life in a sincere way, he is also not afraid to take on bigger topics, such as his thoughts on kids using the word Hate and his take on people (and brands) who think Parenting is a Job.

It’s refreshing to read someone who isn’t afraid to just tell it like it is, or at least how he sees it. I’ve dabbled in this format but I’m still trying to find my voice so I can respect how hard it is to put yourself out there like that. It’s not easy to take criticism for things you’ve written but Andy always answers the call when it happens.

Much like every other Dad blogger I talk to on the internet, I’ve never met Andy, but my interactions with him so far have been nothing but great. He seems like a nice guy and I’m happy to have stumbled upon his work. The one thing he’ll never be accused of is being a fake, that’s for sure.

He made a joke a while back that I was out to steal all the Dad bloggers jobs. Probably because Canada has a small Dad blog market, so I tend to get a lot of calls from the media. Funny how things work out that just over a month later I was trolling on Twitter and noticed his most recent work…This interview and post on HLN TV!!

Way to go Andy, you’re raising the bar for the rest of us and I, for one, accept your challenge! I look forward to fighting the good fight with you for more years to come!

If you guys are so inclined, I urge you to catch up with Andy on his home site Beta Dad. You can also find him on Twitter @BetaDad and also on Facebook.

As always, don’t forget to leave some love for our guest in the comments section. I can’t even guarantee that he’ll read this post but I’ll spam him until he does and I’m sure he’ll appreciate the kind words (or hate mail) 😀


12 replies
  1. Beta Dad
    Beta Dad says:

    Hey! This was a nice surprise. Thanks, man. I really appreciate your enthusiasm and community spirit. I don’t even care if you’re taking dad blogging jobs away from Americans.

    • Chris
      Chris says:

      Thanks! Eventually I’ll have to start telling the person in advance but I “know” enough Dads to get me through a few weeks. Doing these features will definitely make me feel better about it when I become President of the Dad Blog Association. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to go pay off some more Mom Bloggers to raise me up ;D

  2. James @SaskaDad
    James @SaskaDad says:

    Another fine feature. I love what you’re doing here. Building community, I believe, is the most rewarding part of blogging. I’ve followed BetaDad for quite some time for all the reasons you listed in this post.

    • Chris
      Chris says:

      Thanks James! I’ve had a great time doing it so far and I think it’s important for us to stick together for the most part. We have a big hill to climb if we want to get close to the exposure the Mom’s have and I think we have something different to offer. Thanks for coming back, I hope you’ll enjoy the rest of the features!

    • Chris
      Chris says:

      Your welcome and thanks for stopping by! I agree about the header too. My photoshop abilities are limited to simply knowing that photoshop exists….


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